Fan Art

Fan Art for Those that have none – again

Another Fan Art happened. This one is based on a character concept only! It isn’t even a book yet! This is a bad boy elf, a concept by E.A. Turley.

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Here is Keahi Takegawa putting some moves on Dave Sommer in  Bethany Ebert‘s Aloha from Hell!

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Here is Abigail Dressler and her unlikeliest of allies, Haatim Arison as they fight demons in Raven’s Peak by Lincoln Cole.

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Here is fan art for Night Dragon by Maymunah Azad. Five Orphans are selected to fight against the terrible threat to the city! This is the last boss encounter.

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Here is fan art for Calvin Westbrook for Jackpot. Arnie Walker seems to have stolen more than he can chew and has unleashed a Genie… who is also the Fonz, apparently.

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Fan Art for those that have… some

It has been awhile, but I finished reading a book and fan art happened. This time the fan art was for someone that I had already made some for, but what the flaming pit, why not! Green glowing death dogs don’t happen every day!

Here is fan art for Christina McMullen‘s book, Going Green.

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And for those that have none!

The Going Green Fan Art has started the thread back up, so a new request happened. Here is fan art for Red Shadow – a book by Zoltán Pósfai .

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And fan art for Robots Like Blue by Anthony J. Deeney!

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Fan Art For Those That Have None – Part 2

I am going to keep drawing Fan Art, for people that have no fan art! I will just update the same post for a week or so, then zing! New post. So check back on the old posts for more Author Love!

Here is Hestia ‘Rose Grubb’ from The Revenge of Rose Grubb by Rachael Eyre

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FBI agent Miriam Goldblum of the Golden Fleece Society finds a mysterious artifact. From In the Hands of the Unknown, by AE Hellstrom.

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Cnan, as she walks through the fire to become part of her tribe. Also, she has a dramatic scarf, not sure if she had one before, but walking through fire demands drama, and nothing is as dramatic as a scarf. This is from Broken Sky by CB Matson. (Yes a fellow CB! Amazing!)

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LX the alien who shares Anders’ Hairstyle #, meets Mellie for the first time.From the Legacy Series by GG Atcheson.  Spoiler Alert (From the book blurb) I am pretty sure Mellie is a vampire.

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I have decided that book video promos are excellent resources for this. Here is Amanda  out clubbing on vacation while she is being eyed up by… that sexy guy there with the abs who is on the cover, from True’s Love by TL Clark.Draw Somethingesk Cards

Here is Nathan from the Incubus Saga by Amanda Meuwissen as he… uh… as he… Sorry. What is going on? There is just so much to like with this one that I completely lost my train of thought. Oh right. Here he is with the Incubus and I think he…

I forget cause Abs!!!Draw Somethingesk Cards

Fan Art for those that have none.

I recently posted in a writer’s group about receiving fan art and I was devastated to learn that some people have NO fan art!

So I have started to make them Fan Art, based on what I am pretty sure is a scene in their book given their book covers and blurbs. Enjoy!

Renee Ward from Kind of Like Life by Christina McMullen discovering that magic exists!

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Ashima Nayar from The Toymaker by Melissa A. Jensen as she battles a giant mysterious monster in the mines with only her wits, rag-doll, and a piece of glass.

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Mysterious Man at Asteroid Phone Booth from Watching the Watcher by Micah R. Sisk.Draw Somethingesk Cards

Rachel and Roswell steal the Alien’s ship from Rachel, Roswell & The Alien by Dwayne Fry.

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The Crimson Mistress from Rehab For Superheroes, by Ann Livi Andrews

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A light lady from the cover of Nascent Decay (The Goddess of Decay Book 1) by Charles HashDraw Somethingesk Cards

Lovonian and the Orc Chieftan take a much needed break from battle in Little Black Stormcloud (Breath of the Titans, #1)  by Riley Westbrook.

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Niomi wearing her new fur cloak from Wildlander’s Hope by Jenycka Wolfe.

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Either Mishi and Taka, the both sound like badasses, from Blade’s Edge by Virginia McClain.

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