Month: December 2016

New Years 4k Ultra-High-Def Resolutions

A new year is just around the calendar, and you know what that means – An entire new year of cute kitties! Awe, look! The one in May is rolling around in daisies – SO cute!

It also means resolutions! Normally I am not one for resolutions, but now that I am working on plot resolutions all the time while writing it doesn’t seem so hard to make some actual resolutions! They are nearly all professional resolutions, because if Annals of Gentalia is one thing, it is professional! (Okay, if it is one thing it is outright nutters, but if it is… one hundred twenty-eight things, professional is probably somewhere on the list.)

CB’s Resolutions

  • Publish Patchers of the Code and finish The Anders’ Quest Series ~ This one is right on track to be finished! Hopefully in January 2017. The last run of editing is happening now.
  • Write and Publish the rest of The Tales of Gentalia Series ~ A loftier goal for sure, but not unreasonable. Seven Tales have been published, and five (plus that secret bonus one I am not telling anyone about because it is secret) are left. (And yes, Roodg’s cameo is in one of these!) The working titles are:
    • Elite Fighter 2: Hasty
    • Where in Hardboiled City is Carmella SanFrancisco
    • Slime Pop! Saga
    • The Need for Seed
    • Keytar Heroine
  • Something new – After I have finished all of the stories related to Anders and his friends it will be time to move onto something new! Will it be set in a video game or not? I am not sure, but I have many ideas forming. I guess I need to resolve to figure that out!

Do you have any New Years Resolutions? You should probably resolve to tell someone about them!

Unplanned Parenthood – A Review

Here is my review for Unplanned Parenthood by E.P. Clark

This is a story as told through the eyes of Jordan, and it is very much her story. The narrative is told in her words, and Jordan is more street-smart than book-smart, a little vague, plus more than a tad stand-offish. This does make the narrative all of those things, but I think that EP did a good job of staying in form for the entire story.

Besides, who doesn’t want to flee to Canada?