Month: January 2016

Cover that thing up!

The cover for Fighters of the Code – Book Two of the Anders’ Quest Book Series has officially been started! Stay tuned for in the next few days it may just get revealed somewhere… possibly even here!


The Back Cover is done! (At least I think so, there might be a little bit of tweaking later)

The front cover still needs some work, but I think the back cover will give you at least an idea of what is on the front! 😉 That’s right! Elfbutt!

Breakers of the code - Back Cover2

Here is an updated version of the back cover, De-Fjohtered!

Fighters of the code - Back Cover2

Chicken Pugget

This week (after a long holiday break) my writing group could just not think up a word to do for our Flash Fiction Writing Slam! I suggested that we go to Google, type in the word ‘Crazy’, and write about the 18th picture that showed up.

This is that picture. Sorry original photographer, but I have no idea how to credit you, this picture turned up everywhere in searches, and now it is here as well! If it is yours, let me know and I will credit you.

Chicken Pugget


Aristotle looked over at me longingly. I had to avert my gaze in shame.

“No,” I said, my voice riddled with guilt, “these are not for you!”

He returned a look to me that I understood all too well. That was the look that didn’t say “Yes they are for me, as I am cute!”, it was the look that said “Those are not for YOU either.”

He was right. I shouldn’t be eating these. I had made a promise, not just to myself, but to Steve, Aristotle, and everyone at the used video store when I bought my new Jazzercise VHS tape.

“Look, it was a busy day at the rollercoaster repair shop, I didn’t want to cook tonight.”


I wasn’t going to get away with it that easy, I could tell, but I had to try.

“You shouldn’t be eating these either you know. They are bad for dogs!”


“I’ll do an extra set of Jazzercise tomorrow okay? It is my weekend.”


“Okay fine, just one! But don’t you dare tell anyone Stots!”

The flung nugget was devoured in one swift dribble dusted bite.

“I wouldn’t dream of telling anyone Angela, this will be our little secret.” Aristotle said, licking his lips with his oversized tongue.

“Oh right, I always forget you can speak one sentence after eating a chicken nugget.”


It went weird at the end there, I admit.

If you have 15 minutes to write about this picture, what would you have written about?



Introducing: Crafts! Series 1

Introducing the very first official Annals of Gentalia merchandise! (Besides the books of course!)

I have absolutely no idea how you could quickly order one if you wanted one… I probably need to set up an official shop on this website or on Amazon or something. But you can still be the first non Beta-Reader to own one of these hand-crafted (by the Author no less) crafts! If you wish to own any of the Series One Ornaments, contact me directly through this website! (They cost $8 each, but buy more and save!)

Series One Contains:

Anders, Fournimer, Palcath, Roodg, Lissa, and Mr. Max!

Anders - perler

Anders Perler!

Palcath - perler

Palcath Perler!

Fournimer - perler

Fournimer Perler!

Roodg - perler

Roodg Perler!

Lissa - perler

Lissa Perler!

Mr Max - perler

Mr. Max Perler!