Slime Pop! Saga

Tales of Gentalia are a series of quick stand alone Novelettes that you can download for free some of the time! A free gay sex romp? I know, sign me up right? Be sure to check the schedule for the give away dates!

Slime Pop! Saga is the ninth of these Novelettes!

Here is a lovely blurb about this tale.

A phone app downloaded.
A new addiction discovered.
A mathematician in deep.

Industry Giant, Tornado Tech, has sunk to a new low: free-to-play mobile phone games. Flashy, addictive, and void of substance, these games cater to the base needs of players, rewarding them with just enough sweet candy to keep them pumping in funds.

But not all phone apps are equal, and Slime Pop! Saga hides a terrible secret within its code. Amazingly, it isn’t even a sexy secret this time. How crazy is that? IanWalker36 has his hands full trying to crack the secret behind this game at the expense of everything else he should have his hands full with.

As the cipher tickles and teases, an important question remains unanswered: What kind of person would hide a secret code inside a cheap phone app? More important to IanWalker36 is his own personal question. “How long until my stamina bar refills?”

Warning: Contains m/m situations and normal dude banging.
While part of a series, this novelette can be read as a standalone story!

Grab this Tale on Amazon!