Month: November 2017

NaNoWriMo – Check/Wreck Yourself

November is quickly coming to a close, so it is time for my traditional advice for anyone doing #NaNoWriMo this year but isn’t keeping up:

Word count doesn’t matter. The date doesn’t matter. Even NaNoWriMo doesn’t matter.

That is my advice. Ignore what the entire contest was about.

What matters is that you started something. Even if it was only a title, a plan, or even a layout. If you wrote 5 words or if you wrote 49,999 words the advice stands.

What you did was something, and that is a great start. Don’t stop because of some imposed deadline you couldn’t reach, (or even if you could reach it). Don’t stop because the month is almost over or because someone else is further along. December is just as much of a month as November is. That can be your finishing month. Heck, even April, May, or next November are viable.

Don’t let some arbitrary number stop you because you didn’t reach it by a certain date.  The deadline is what I have always hated that about NaNoWriMo. I love that it gets people motivated to start something, but I hate that so many fail because of the concept of a month timeline and then abandon what they did.

Don’t stop NaNoWriMo because of NaNoWriMo itself. Please.

(And next time start your NaNoWriMo novel in August to get several legs up on November. I promise not to tell on you!)

Short Reads to Help Procrastinators!

Do you have a Goodreads Book Reading Challenge going?
I do.
How is it going?
Yeah, me too.
Did you know that short stories count as a book for that? Crazy, right? You could finish your lofty goal in a fraction of the time!
It isn’t cheating, it is an exploit.
Here are a few short read recommendations from some wonderful indie authors I know! Be sure and Read ’em All!
See what I did there? Bet you were wondering why I used a Pokemonesk picture as the header image for this post. It was for that joke (and because drawing a new header picture takes time, and I need all the time I can get to finish my own lofty reading challenge)!

Christina McMullen

Dissonant 99¢
(All above are available through Kindle Unlimited)

Amanda Siegrist

(All above are available through Kindle Unlimited)

Jane Jago

(Also available through Kindle Unlimited)
(Pre-order for release on Dec 1st)

Bea Cannon

(All above also available through other ebook retailers such as Kobo & Nook)

Dwayne Fry



Austism 99¢
(All above are available through Kindle Unlimited)

Kathryn Meyer Griffith

(Also available through other ebook retailers such as Kobo & Nook)

Lyra Shanti

(All above are available through Kindle Unlimited)

V.M. Sawh

Cinders 99¢
(Also available through Kindle Unlimited)

David M. Kelly

Atoll 99¢
(All above are available through Kindle Unlimited)

Kimelene Carr

(Also available through Kindle Unlimited)

C.B. Archer

Vambrace 99¢
Fallin 99¢
(All above are available through Kindle Unlimited)
Yes, all of my Tales are on here. Some are even free some days! Check them all every day to see what is free that day. 50% chance it is one of them! 😀